Lakeview, MO


The city of Lakeview maybe a small town, but we offer many services to you. Below are the 3 services that the residents of Lakeview brag about to all their friends who live in other towns.

Recorder of Deeds


Come in any time you need to review any and all public records. In our buildings and
in our on-site computer database, for everything that has taken place in our fair city for
since 1824. Our goal is to have all the all of our records from 1824- 1950 in our database
so we can ensure they will not be lost.




In most cities, the Liscensing Department is one of the busiest and slowest moving lines.
Not here in Lakeview. Here it is a place where your in, your out, your with your day.
Here if you wait in line for a while, your bound to make a new friend or two. Or meet
someone who you didn't know. Be sure to come in if you need a car title, home title or
marriage liscense

Trash Removal

Lakeview, MO Trash Truck

Trash pickup depends on where you live in town. If you are east of Main Street and
north of Broadway, your trash will be picked up on Mondays. If you are east of Main
Street and south of Broadway, your trash will be picked up on Tuesdays. If you are
west of Main Street and South of Broadway your trash will be picked up on
Wednesday. And finally, if you are west of Main Street and North of Broadway
your trash will be picked up on Thursday. Actual times thats you trash will be
picked up can and may vary weekly. Trash pickup starts at 7:30AM and
usually is over by 5:30PM.